About Micro-credentials

Discover the Path to Lifelong Learning and Career Advancement through Accredited Micro-Credentials in Canada.

philippe bout 93W0xn4961g unsplash About Micro-Credentials

micro-credential council of canada

  • Micro-credential Council of Canada (MCC) is the national voice of Canada’s micro-credential providers.
  • We work to strengthen Canada’s micro-credential system by advocating for our members, providing leadership development opportunities, sharing best practices and promoting programs that are benefiting Canadians.
  • We partner with micro-credential providers worldwide to help integrate learning opportunities within Canada.
  •  We work with the industry to help them lead in employment-centric training, enabling learners to apply their newly gained skills in the applied field of learning.
  • We have established the National Framework for Microcredentials is a set of principles and guidelines that help to ensure that microcredentials are high-quality and relevant to the needs of learners and employers.
  • We advocate for the advancement of open, affordable, high-quality learning opportunities for Canadians.

What are micro-credentials?

  • Our mission is to enhance Canada’s micro-credential system through proactive advocacy for learners and members, offering leadership development opportunities, exchanging best practices, and actively promoting programs that bring significant benefits to Canadians.
  • We collaborate with micro-credential providers globally to facilitate the integration of diverse learning opportunities within Canada.
  • We collaborate with various industries, empowering them to lead in employment-centric training, thereby enabling learners to apply their newly acquired skills in real-world contexts and applied fields of learning.
  • We take pride in establishing the National Framework for Microcredentials, a comprehensive set of principles and guidelines that ensure the utmost quality and relevance of microcredentials, meeting the specific needs of learners and employers alike.

Benefits of Micro-credentials

Gain new skills, upskill, and acquire further knowledge

Micro-credentials can provide learners with the opportunity to learn new skills that are in demand in the workforce. They also serve as valuable tools for learners to upskill and gain additional knowledge in their current field of expertise. 

Gain employment opportunities/Advance established careers

Micro-credentials can be a powerful asset for job seekers, effectively demonstrating to employers that the learner possesses the skills and knowledge they seek. Micro-credentials  help those that are actively employed gain learning opportunities to advance their careers without leaving the workforce.

Stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends

The workplace is constantly changing, and micro-credentials can help learners to stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends. Micro-credentials can significantly enhance an individual’s marketability to employers, increasing their appeal as well as their potential for career advancement.

save time and money

One of the notable advantages of micro-credentials is that they are typically shorter and more cost-effective compared to traditional in-class learning programs. This is particularly beneficial for learners seeking to acquire new skills and knowledge without committing to a full-time learning, saving them both time and money in the process.

Customize self-paced education

Micro-credentials offer greater flexibility compared to traditional degrees, making them a valuable option for learners who prefer self-paced education. This level of flexibility is particularly advantageous for individuals with multiple responsibilities or those who are employed full-time, as it allows them to tailor their learning journey to fit their unique schedules and commitments.

How to find micro-credentials

  • Search online. There are a number of websites, social media sites including facebook groups that list and promote micro-credentials. When considering micro-credential courses, it is crucial to prioritize those that are endorsed by industry and developed within Canada. This ensures that the courses align with current industry standards and cater to the specific needs of Canadian learners, providing valuable and relevant learning experiences.
  • Search our site. The Micro-credential council of Canada is an online aggregate that lists organizations that promote micro-credentials and help learners find them. You can find a list on the Micro-credential Council of Canada website here:.
  • Ask your employer. Your employer may offer micro-credentials as part of their training program. If not, they may be able to point you in the direction of a reputable provider.
  • Network with other professionals. Talk to other professionals in your field and ask them if they know of any micro-credentials that would be a good fit for you. You can also network with professionals on social media or through professional associations.


In addition to these benefits, micro-credentials can also help learners to:

  • Build their confidence and self-esteem
  • Network with other professionals
  • Gain a competitive edge in the job market
  • Improve their chances of getting promoted


Overall, micro-credentials are a valuable tool for learners who want to gain new skills and knowledge, advance their careers, or stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends.

Micro-credentials offer numerous benefits, including flexibility, affordability, and direct relevance to the demands of the workplace.

These advantages make them an attractive and practical choice for learners seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge in a targeted and cost-effective manner.
