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Our Members

The Microcredential Council of Canada is a distinguished consortium of the nation’s leading online institutions. Each member institution is renowned for delivering high-quality microcredentials, meticulously designed to meet the evolving needs of today’s professionals. With an unwavering commitment to excellence and trustworthiness, our members have paved the way for accessible, flexible, and market-relevant education. Entrust your professional growth to the expertise of our council, where each microcredential is a testament to rigorous academia and real-world applicability.

The Microcredential Council of Canada represents a consortium comprising the nation’s premier online educational institutions and key industry players. Each member, as a vital stakeholder, plays a pivotal role in the development and delivery of high-caliber microcredentials. These microcredentials are thoughtfully tailored to address the dynamic and evolving professional requirements of the current workforce.




The Royal Alberta College (RAC) is an Indigenous backed, volunteer-based, non-partisan, not-for-profit, industry-led, post-secondary vocational training school. The school was created through the guidance, support and leadership of professionals from various occupations including survivors of residential schools and those that represent marginalized groups. The RAC offers accredited diploma programs, short-course certificates and career and life-skills training

RAC logo Our Members

Freelearn Canada

#FreeLearn Canada promotes the advancement of education to Canadians that represent marginalized groups, including individuals from lower socioeconomic brackets, individuals detached from the workforce, and Canadians that identify as Black, Indigenous or as a Person of Colour [BIPOC], LGBTQI2+, Newcomers, Refugees, Women, racialized and other underrepresented communities to create better representation.

#FreeLearn Canada promotes the advancement of education to Canadians that represent marginalized groups, including individuals from lower socioeconomic brackets, individuals detached from the workforce, and Canadians that identify as Black, Indigenous or as a Person of Colour [BIPOC], LGBTQI2+, Newcomers, Refugees, Women, racialized and other underrepresented communities to create better representation.

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